Cliezen Quick Start
Cliezen Quick Start
1. Sign in: Go to the Cliezen Dashboard to log in (See: Logging in to Cliezen for more information)
2. Creat New Client: Create a new Client you want to get feedback from under the "Client" tab. (See: Adding New Clients for more information)
3. Add Survey Receivers:Under the "Contacts" tab you can add individuals who will receive the surveys and choose which Client they belong to.(See: Adding New Survey Receivers for more information)
4. Activate the Survey Receivers - To start sending out surveys you need to active the Contacts. - Click on "Enroll" and the first survey will go out in the next 5 minutes.(See: Enrolling New Contacts for more information)
Before you send out the first survey to each Contact it is important that you notify them and explain what is going to happen. This is very important so they are aware of the survey, the purpose of it (for you to serve them better as a client).If this is not done it will severely impact the answer ratio of your surveys. We would suggest to periodically reach out to your Contacts and get their opinion of the surveys and explain that you are receiving them and reacting.
(See: Cliezen Welcome Email for more information)