Safe Delivery of Emails in Inbox

We greatly value your participation in our Feedback Forms and want to ensure that you always receive our communications promptly.

If you use Microsoft Outlook (Gmail users see below) and are finding that our emails are not appearing in your inbox, they may be mistakenly ending up in your junk or spam folders.

Outlook Users

Please follow the instructions below to add the survey email address to your Outlook Safe Senders List, ensuring all future survey emails land directly in your inbox:

  1. Open Outlook - Begin by opening your Microsoft Outlook client.
  2. Access Junk E-mail Options - Navigate to the 'Home' tab. Within the 'Delete group', click on 'Junk'. In the dropdown menu, click on 'Junk E-mail Options'.
  3. Add to Safe Senders - A dialog box will open with several tabs. Click on the 'Safe Senders' tab, then click 'Add'.
  4. Enter Our Email Address - In the dialog box that appears titled 'Enter an e-mail address or Internet domain name to be added to the list', please enter our email address: After you've done this, click 'OK'.
  5. Save Your Changes - To finalize this process, click 'OK' once more to close the dialog box.

Gmail Users

To ensure you receive all future emails from us, please follow the steps below to add the email address to your Gmail Contacts:

  1. Open Gmail - Start by logging in to your Gmail account.
  2. Navigate to Contacts - Click on the Google apps icon (a grid of nine dots) in the top right corner of your screen, and select 'Contacts' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Add a New Contact - On the Contacts page, click on the '+ Create contact' button.
  4. Enter Our Email Address - In the 'Add name and email' dialog box, enter our name (Cliezen Surveys) and the email address (typically it's
  5. Click 'Save' to add the address to your Contacts.

From now on, emails including the links to the Feedback Forms should appear directly in your inbox. Thank you for taking the time to adjust your settings and ensure seamless communication between us.

Remember to occasionally check your junk or spam folders just in case any other important emails have been mistakenly directed there.

If you need further assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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