Tixly + Cliezen

Thank you for your feedback!

Your feedback shapes your experience with {{ vendor }}.
It helps them tailor their services to align more closely with your requirements and expectations, ensuring a long-lasting partnership.

While all feedback is valued and read, in some cases, a {{ vendor }} team member may reach out for further discussion.

Your satisfaction is a priority, and {{ vendor }} are committed to addressing any concerns or suggestions you may have to ensure your experience with is exceptional.

What does Cliezen do?

{{ Vendor }} has chosen Cliezen, a leading expert in B2B user and experience research, to elevate your business relationship with {{ Vendor }}.

At Cliezen, we specialize in designing user and experience surveys for companies in the enterprise sector.

Our innovative approach to measuring continuous client experience specifically designed for B2B companies, featuring automated real-time insights, empower businesses to effectively monitor and swiftly responding to customer experiences, ensuring unparalleled service quality.

Leveraging our proprietary dynamic feedback methodology, our powerful platform provides customers with an opportunity to share their experiences.

This gives companies valuable insights into client satisfaction, enabling them to forge more personalized and rewarding relationships.

Close the Loop on Customer Issues and Drive Strategic Change

Surveys sent
Average Response Rate
(with causation analysis)
Less churn after 6 months

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